- Assumptions that Affect Our Lives – Christian Overman
- Your People Shall Be My People – Don Finto
- Our Hands are Stained with Blood – Michael Brown
- The God of Israel and Christian Theology – R. Kendall Soulen
- Jewish Roots – Dan Juster
- Alignment – Asher Intrater
- Romans 911: A Comprehensive Study Book in the Reconnection of the One New Man – Grant Berry
- Unity: Awakening the One New Man – Edited by Robert Wolff
- Azusa, Rome and Zion: Pentecostal Faith, Catholic Reform, and Jewish Roots – Peter Hocken
- Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations – Editors David Rudolph and Joel Willitts
An extensive online library of post-supersessionist academic theological material.
Rabbi Dr. David Rudolph’s personal website cataloging his extensive scholarly publications.
Messianic Studies
Online scholarly collection of Messianic Jewish studies including books, journal articles, essays, theses, and dissertations.
Messianic Gentiles
For people desiring to learn more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith with balanced teaching related to healthy Gentile identity in Messiah.
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